Real estate in Marianske Lazne

Low prices in the heart of Europe.

Apartments in the Czech Republic - one of the cheapest in Europe, while demand for them grows year by year.

The Czech Republic is located in the heart of Europe, is a member of the EU and is located in the Schengen area. The most popular are apartments in the capital - Prague and the famous Czech spas - in Karlovy Vary and Mariánské Lázně. A large number of transactions are carried out by investors who buy apartments for the purpose of earning money.

Specialists explain it by the fact that on the rental market in Prague, Karlovy Vary and Mariánské Lázně there is a shortage of supply and all properties are in demand. The rental income is very significant and it covers the loan if the apartment was purchased with a mortgage.

For those who want to buy an apartment in the Czech Republic for living (permanent or for the period of education of their children), popular regions are Prague, its surroundings and mineral water spas of Karlovy Vary, Mariánské Lázně.

Over the last year, the prices of liquid housing in the Czech Republic have not decreased, but it is possible to bargain on purchase. You can now buy an apartment in the Czech Republic on a mortgage with a small interest (2-2.5% per annum).

Today, residential property non-resident in the Czech Republic can be registered not only in a commercial company, but also in private ownership.

Are you interested in buying an apartment in the Czech Republic?
This is an excellent investment, as you buy property in the center of Europe. "Czech House will help you buy an apartment in the Czech Republic, offering you several options for apartments in Mariánské Lázně.

Real estate in Mariánské Lázně has always been in great demand. After a slight decline due to the crisis in 2008, prices stabilized and then started to grow and they are still rising today. Today the prices on the secondary market have returned to pre-crisis levels, but interesting events are happening with new housing. 
In recent years, the Czech economy has been growing strongly, with a lot of investment coming in and record low unemployment. As a result, starting from 2014, the average salary has been growing. At the end of 2019, pretax wages in the Czech Republic were around 34,000 kroons (1350 euros).
As a result, the cost of new construction increased. At the beginning of 2019 it was 31,000 kroons per square meter in Mariánské Lázně, without finishing and furniture. 
Today a new house is being built in Mariánské Lázně, which is already sold for 62,000 kroons per square meter. The construction is completed at the end of 2020. 
Following the increase in the price of new housing, the prices of secondary housing also increased and gradually returned to pre-crisis. 
Who is buying real estate in Mariánské Lázně today? 
We do not have exact statistics. But indirect data suggest that Russians, Ukrainians and citizens of the former Soviet Union are still actively buying apartments in Mariánské Lázně. In addition, Russian-speaking citizens of Israel came to the market. And, of course, the Czechs themselves. 
Many young Czechs buy plots of land for construction and build new houses in the vicinity of Mariánské Lázně (Velká Gladsébe, Klementov, Drmoul, Valy, Chodova Planá, etc.) It is not a cheap pleasure. The approximate budget starts at 5 million CZK. Who can't afford it, or just doesn't want to mess with the house, buys new apartments. The price of a small apartment with an area of 50 square meters will be approximately 3 million kroons today. 
Additional demand for real estate in Mariánské Lázně is created by so-called "gastarbeiters". They are citizens of the European Union: Slovaks, Poles, Romanians and Bulgarians, who have come to work in the Czech Republic. Labour migration is connected with the fact that WP in the Czech Republic today is significantly higher than in these countries, and there are many vacancies, including those near the ML. They prefer to rent accommodation in ML, as the settlements nearest to production and storage sites are not as attractive and provided with infrastructure as ML. Accordingly, many apartments in ML are rented out and the demand for rental housing is high.
Today, there are only 47 apartments for sale in ML ranging in size from 40 square meters at a price of up to 100 thousand euros (2.5 million kroons), if we do not take into account panel houses, co-operative apartments and attics, will remain from strength 30.  
Demand in this segment clearly exceeds supply. 
Which apartments are of interest to buyers in ML today?
If it is a question of buying for your own residence - arrival on vacation - preference is given to the resort area. This is not always justified, because the prices for apartments in the center are not cheap, but the quality is appropriate. The disadvantage is that the resort center is almost no food and household stores, so even for bread will have to go to the other side of town. In addition, the drinking course implies mandatory walks, at least half an hour before eating, after taking mineral water. 
We offer these customers, in addition to apartments in the spa center, accommodation in the villa part of ML, next to which is the main shopping area of ML, the lower spa park with springs Ferdinand and Rudolf and the entire urban infrastructure. In addition, this property is more liquid if the plans have changed and the invested money has to be returned, at least without loss.
The second group of buyers are apartments, which are bought for subsequent long-term rentals. These are usually apartments 2 + 1, size 50-65 sq.m. in working condition and immediately suitable for rent. Such housing is now worth around 2 million crowns (80,000 euros) and brings a good profit to the owner (about 6% per annum in foreign currency). 
The third group is apartments for short-term rent. In the Czech Republic, they are called apartments. As a rule, their location is a spa center and a villa part. Profits from short-term rentals are higher than from long-term rentals, but there is also more trouble. And the requirements are higher. And of course, the price. 
Group four is the purchase of a permanent residence. There are practically no Russians in this segment, as it is very difficult to get a residence permit in the Czech Republic today. The main buyers are Czechs. Demand is for new apartments or apartments with good repair in well-kept old houses.

Good afternoon, dear friends. Welcome to our channel Pro et contra, Pro and Contra. My name is Larisa. My name is Gennady. Today we wanted to tell you about real estate in Mariánské Lázně. Here, Gennady. Right. What do you know about real estate in Mariánské Lázně? What types of real estate are there in Mariánské Lázně? I'll be honest with you. Everything I know. We lived in Mariánské Lázně for 15 years. All that time we dealt with real estate. We've done a lot of research. I'll share with you the knowledge I have. Real estate in Mariánské Lázně consists of several sections, several sectors. The most interesting sector in our opinion and in the opinion of real estate buyers is new homes. Of course everyone wants a new car, a new boat, and of course a new flat. Unfortunately, as it happens, there are very few building sites in Mariánské Lázně. And to build a new house in the centre is, well, practically unrealistic. In all the time we have lived here, only one new house has been built in the centre. It's the Orsten Residence, next to the post office. Well, there are just a few flats and a small house because there are no places for big houses. Basically all new buildings are being built, but not on the outskirts, not in the centre. Not the centre of Mariánské Lázně, to put it mildly. But, wait here. I'm going to interrupt you. Why are we, now, here in this place. Yes! We are in this place for a reason! The name of this residence is written right here. It's the Pilsen Residency. It consists of two buildings, with a good area for parking. There's a little square with a fountain. It's a good example of new development. The place didn't seem ideal at first, because it was on Pilsenska street, the carriageway. You can probably hear the cars going by. But nevertheless. This residence was built very qualitatively. We followed all the stages of construction and, indeed, there is no compromise. Everything was done perfectly. Insulated facades, perfect layouts, dignified appearance of the houses. And, in general, we were not mistaken. Flats in these residences sold out very quickly, at the stage of, literally, the foundation pit. Secondary appeared a few times, but disappeared at the same rate. Although! Price of secondary in this residence, far exceeded the original purchase price at the trough. People have already tried it. Demand dictates prices. So as soon as a property comes along, it sells out. Okay. [Chuckles] Hold on. Now, I might add, there's not a single offer on this property. I see. Well, tell me what other examples there are of new construction in Mariánské Lázně. Well, there you go. It's a reasonable question. It's not all so rosy. A new house can be built as high quality as the Pilsen one. Well, it was built richly, i.e. of high quality. It is possible to build, taking into account the fact that there is a great demand, by doing something. And there are enough examples of that here. I will not point fingers, there are some objects, even groups of objects, such as neighborhoods of new housing, which were built really badly. I was lucky to be there, too, at these construction sites. To see it all with my own eyes. But, it's just some kind of, well, not cardboard, but some frame boxes, where there is no soundproofing, muddled floors, thin walls. "The walls are thin, the walls are light. Efficient, flawed." Nevertheless, flats in these buildings were selling for serious prices. It is true that secondary houses in these buildings come up often. Secondary prices in these houses are not that high. People have figured out what this construction is all about. And they are not so eager to buy it anymore. There were still two properties on Tepelska Street recently, which we laughed at heartily. How it was built. Anyway, it's a show. What were these houses built of. The impression is that some "sewage" from the construction site was bought. That's what these houses were built out of. Well, still. Well, yeah. And the location. The location, it's a blaze. It's an industrial estate. Practically. On a busy intersection. The corner of Pilsenka and Tepelska. Nothing living nearby. And yet these flats sold out. I don't know how much enthusiasm the inhabitants have for living in these houses. Apart from that, there are several interesting objects, but also not in the centre, from one of the builders. On Zeerova Street and on Dvorzhakov Street. Quite decent houses there. Decently built. But they are not cheap. Good. The approximate price per square meter in these objects. Today, of course, there is no primary housing there. They were built a long time ago. At the moment, depending on the area, 3000, 3200, 3400 euros per meter. That is, well, not budget housing at all. Another object was recently commissioned and practically all sold out. There from the start there were already such prices on the primary market. In the region, 3500 euros per metre. This whole house has sold out. The house is not badly built, but the location is generally such a moot point. There's probably not much else to say about primary housing. There are extremely few properties. The next sector is precisely in the centre of the resort, in houses after reconstruction. Well, we will now move there. We will pause. We will show these properties and tell you about them. 

So, houses after reconstruction. That's great. What are you interested in? What can you tell us about the complete renovations? What are you interested in? The quality of the renovations? Why are we here? Why are we in this place? That's a good question. Thank you. We're in this place for a reason, too. Behind us is the Paradise Residence. It's an example of good, honest renovation. We've been to that house, looked at the layouts. We followed how the renovation went. How it went. And we can attest to that. It's not badly done. People who bought flats here during the reconstruction phase did not lose out. Then, when this flat appeared on the secondary market it was also sold at a good price. Now, the offers in this residence are unfortunately not available either. The layouts are good. Nice house. There is parking. Great location. Okay. Now let's move next door. "Britannia Residence." Okay. "Britannia Residence." What can you tell us about Britannia Residence, Gennady? "The Britannia Residence is behind us. It's a yellow, pretty building. It was renovated, unfortunately, not in front of us. We moved in 2008, it was already finished. Nevertheless, we were in this residence. There were offers for flats for sale. We looked at the layouts. The layouts, in general, are not bad. At first glance the residence is not bad either. But, it is only at first sight. In fact there are nuances. And at the stage of reconstruction, which were foreseen, as they say. And in the process of operation of the building there were various accidents, force majeure situations. And the flats in this residence should be purchased with caution, looking at each of them very carefully. Flats in this residence are often on secondary listings. Prices are quite reasonable. Because sellers know very well what they are selling. Okay. Okay. How else do the properties exist? What are some examples of houses that have been fully renovated? Not partial, but complete. Well, there aren't many of those properties. Just as there are on the primary, so there are complete renovations, literally, you can count on the fingers. That's from them we know, for sure, a lot, because these reconstructions all took place in front of our eyes. And we know every facility in great detail. How it was reconstructed. What was laid there as a result of the reconstruction. There are some brilliant projects. Our beloved Snowflake Residence. It is simply the work of an English architect, with glass lifts, staircases and skylights. Well, it's just gorgeous, of course. And the demand for this residence, for flats in this residence was so high that the developer, on enthusiasm and in spite of that, took the neighbouring house for reconstruction. It has already been done in such a way, one might say, in a rush. Another company started the reconstruction of the neighboring building. On the whole it was already a tight budget in the centre of the spa town. There were examples of later reconstructions. But, the excitement has passed. If in 2007, 2008 and in 2006 at the height of the market, there was money for reconstruction, there was strong demand. Then the demand fell. Objects were taken for renovation. Austerity began on everything, because there was a need to sell. These objects were bought at a high price. Reconstruction of historical sites is extremely expensive. And in order to somehow close this project and sell, they were saving on everything. We know these objects very well. There are a certain number of them. Maybe a dozen, maybe less in Mariánské Lázně. You have to be very careful with them. And as a consequence the offer of flats in these properties is wide. You can choose whatever you like. Well prices for Mariánské Lázně are very serious. I.e. at the moment there are offers 5000 euros per meter, 5500 euros per meter. There are, of course, cheaper. But those that are cheaper are a separate story, which we will shoot in the future. The next sector will probably be shown in the next story with a different background. This sector is old houses, historical houses that are a hundred or two hundred years old without renovation. Well? Let's go? Let's go. 
So, Gennady? Tell us about the old stock, about historical houses without reconstruction? I will. Why did we come here? Where are we? We are in Trzebickiego Street. We had an apartment in the house you see behind us now. The house is historic, it's 200 years old. And houses in the historical part of Mariánské Lázně tend to be about the same age.  These are 200 years old, the youngest 150, some 100 years old. These houses are located on the Main Avenue, Ruska Street, Angliyska Street, Trzebickiego Street, and the smaller streets of our city. This is the historical centre as well. Part of the houses are in the spa centre, another part is simply in the historical centre. These houses make up the majority of the housing stock in Mariánské Lázně. When Mariánské Lázně was built, these houses were the first to be built. The main problem of the old houses in Mariánské Lázně is water proofing. It is usually broken in all of these houses. Nominally it is there, but it no longer works. The ground floors and the basement of the houses are wet. The walls are wet. And this dampness reaches, easily, the second and often the third floor. So you will get a "pleasant" surprise if this house has not been renovated with regard to waterproofing, i.e. if the drainage is not made. To be more precise, not a very pleasant surprise - increased humidity, damp walls, fungus and the accompanying "charms" of living there. It must be said that part of the owners of the houses, the homeowners' community, collects money, takes loans and carries out such renovations. They are not many, but they do exist. We know about them. The second problem is the layout. The fact is that the houses were built as resort houses. But spa houses 200 years ago were a bit different than they are now. As a rule, the bathrooms were separate. There were separate rooms for living, a corridor system, where rooms were located and at the end of the corridor there were bathrooms and toilets. When those houses were privatised, in modern times, there were layouts, as far as they could be re-planned.  Bathrooms and toilets were somehow inserted into these flats. Accordingly, the communication lines had to be rearranged in some way. In some houses it was done competently. It is evident that there was a project, that serious redevelopment work was done according to the project, capital sewerage, water supply was done. That is, everything is done in a smart way. And we know such houses. They are houses without full reconstruction. But partial reconstruction, in terms of waterproofing, drainage, in terms of redevelopment, in terms of communications, has been done. These houses have a price, of course. Living in them is of course not as comfortable as after a complete renovation. But we know of several houses that are quite comfortable. But unfortunately, most of the houses, for which we are responsible, have not undergone any reconstruction at all. The house behind us is just a sample of the fact that there has been no reconstruction. Naturally, something was done in socialist times. Somewhere the wiring was changed, somewhere a pipe was laid. But it is all very chaotic. If you will buy such a flat and then either redecorate or have some kind of problem with communications, you will be confronted with it and it will be a surprise. I will not go around telling you all the problems of the old housing stock, the historic ones, but believe me, there are a lot of them. The façades, the balconies and on and on you could go on and on. I would highly recommend, before you buy a flat in such a building, to think seriously and work through the issue. Well, the next section, which we will probably already show in our next videos, is such a short announcement, it will be houses in the villa part of Mariánské Lázně, it will be panel houses in the bedroom areas and a little bit about the problems with the houses, Družstevní in Czech, the analogue of cooperative houses. Yes, it is absolutely, the exact analogue, you said. It is, in our understanding, cooperative houses. But, in today's life, it is not such an easy problem to solve, if you have bought a flat in such a house. That is to say, there are some interesting surprises waiting for you too. But, this is an announcement for our next video. And for today, goodbye. Subscribe to our channel. Give us likes, dislikes, swears, praises. It will be our pleasure. And we'll be making our next videos. Goodbye, friends. See you next videos.


Smile! Cheerful! Yes. Cheerful! Yes! Figaro! Good afternoon, dear friends. Welcome to our channel Pro et contra, Pro and Contra. My name is Larisa. My name is Gennady. Today we continue our story about types of real estate in Mariánské Lázně. Now we will start with perhaps the most attractive, the most attractive type of property in town - villas. Yes. What is it, Gennady? Tell us, please, what is attractive about this type of houses? Pro? Pro. And contra? Well, then we'll talk pro and con. Okay. If there are any. The attractive part. Of course, it is every buyer's dream to live in a mineral water resort in your own beautiful mansion, villa, house. The houses in the villa part, as a rule, are very well located. Most of them are situated in the south of Mariánské Lázně, in parkland, next to the Ferdinand Spring, Rudolf Spring or Antoníčky Pramen. I.e. localisation, localisation, localisation. Most of these houses have plots, which is also a big plus. Another plus is that the houses are not old. As a rule, the villas were built up 100 years ago. Many of these houses are in very good technical condition. Perhaps some of the houses have already undergone, even complete, renovation. Somewhere a partial renovation has taken place. I.e. a characteristic feature of these houses is a very good technical condition. They are also very conveniently located in terms of shops, schools, infrastructure, sports facilities. I have already mentioned the mineral springs, parks and squares. This is a very popular part of Mariánské Lázně. It is pleasant and comfortable to live in. Lots of greenery. It is quiet and there are not many cars. However, good transport accessibility. Given the fact that the houses are private, or may be homes with few owners. Three to five to eight owners. Enough parking and enough space for recreation and relaxation. These are the pluses. Well, are there any cons at all? There are minuses. Or one big plus? No. There are minuses, unfortunately. The disadvantages are in houses that have not been renovated and in which, as we talked about the old buildings, for example, the waterproofing is broken and the drainage is not done. This is a very significant disadvantage, because if a large house can collectively raise money for reconstruction, either partial or complete. But in houses with two, three, five, or eight owners, it is quite difficult to collect the money. It doesn't matter what it is. And reconstruction of communications, and reconstruction of drainage, and replacement of the roof. Here, as a rule, the ceilings are wooden. That is a lot of money and it is quite difficult for the owners to find the money. So when buying a house like this you need to pay attention to the technical condition of the property. That is definitely a minus. The second minus. For those who like to live individually, these are houses with more than one owner. If in a large house the presence of neighbours does not affect you so much. You dissolve into a large number of neighbours, and it does not interfere with your life as much. Here you can encounter a situation where you have 2-3 neighbours, but the relationship is not good. You can also move in, buy a flat in a house where there is already tension between neighbours. They don't want to create a community of owners or engage in some kind of joint reconstruction effort. What they call it, relationships don't work out. If another player is added, it could make the situation worse. Of course improvement is possible.  We were in such a situation. We bought two flats, just in a villa house, where in total there were three owners apart from us. Eight flats. And the situation there was tense. So we are not just saying that. These are not empty words. We have lived through it all. In our situation, everything ended well. We managed to negotiate with our neighbours. To organise them somehow. And the house is much better now than when we bought it. So it's a solvable issue. But, as we told you in our previous videos, a lot depends on you. If you don't know Czech, if you don't want to learn it, it will be extremely difficult to arrange. Czechs don't know any languages. Most of them do. Especially Czechs of an age. And if you don't speak Czech, in Czech, there is certainly very little chance. Keep that in mind. But that's about it. Well, also don't forget to say from the minuses - the price. Already forgotten. I'd rather forget about it. By far the most expensive property in Mariánské Lázně. Only some luxury flats in renovated houses can compare to it. Partly it can. Although I think the house in the villa part is more expensive. Yeah. I mean, it's a serious investment, but it's worth it. It's like the centre of Paris. There won't be any more houses like that. There's no room to build private houses here at all. Well, I guess that's enough. Let's move on to our next sites. We'll go to the properties - panel houses and co-operative houses. Let's go? Let's go. We have now moved on to the next type of housing in Mariánské Lázně. These are flats in panel houses. That is, they are panel houses. Gennady. Yes. Tell us about it! Pros? Pro. And the disadvantages of these panel houses. This type of housing. I mean, pros and cons? Pro and contra. For. Panel houses in Mariánské Lázně occupy a significant place. They are not few and they are popular among Czechs and we like them. I will explain why. Pro, i.e. "for". They were built not that long ago. It's about 50 years ago. Not old. In good technical condition. The houses are well maintained. Mostly Czechs live here. The houses have functioning homeowners' associations, there's a board. They are insulated. That is most of the houses are insulated. The houses are very warm. And the heating is organised by the city, centralised. It is the cheapest today. Your heating costs will be optimal. In these houses, most of the windows have been changed. That is plastic windows. Plastic front doors. New roofs. Often, new lifts. Entrances are in very good condition. Large adjacent territory. No problem with parking. In my opinion, this is one of the best deals in the Czech Republic, and in Mariánské Lázně. It is a flat in a panel building. Another plus is the price. Panel houses prices are not high. A flat of 60 metres in very good condition, after renovation, can be bought for 2,000 euros per metre. What are the cons? Cons. There are disadvantages too. The main disadvantage is in the very name of the panel. It is a reinforced concrete construction and the soundproofing in these houses is not ideal, to put it mildly. Well, it is a peculiarity of a building method. There is another weighty but avoidable disadvantage - these are the bathrooms and toilets. Here they are built in all panel houses, without exception. You can visit one flat in a panel building in Mariánské Lázně and you will have a complete picture of the entire panel building stock, not only in Mariánské Lázně, but also in the Czech Republic. This is Umakartové jádro, in Czech. It is a plastic construction, which includes a bathroom, usually with a bathtub, and a toilet. It is installed in the flat as a separate unit. It is a very uncomfortable construction for many reasons. It is plastic, with little insulation inside. You can't hang anything on it, you can't lean on it, you can't glue tiles to it, etc. So it's generally a big problem, but fortunately it's solvable. Given that it's Jadro, it's easy to erect, it's also easy to remove. That is, it can be dismantled. Build, as many people do, on a renovation plan, reconstructing this bathroom. The walls can be built with the same YTONG. Walls can be rebuilt using the same YTONG wall. Civilised. Inside, tiles will be tiled and a modern shower cubicle will be installed. And, it has to be said, many flats in panel buildings have already been reconstructed. And that leaves one disadvantage. That is, this minus with the core can be solved. With soundproofing, I also think it is possible to solve the issue. We have solved this issue in one of our flats. There is a construction solution. It is true that it takes up some space. It is not very significant, but it does. We built a second wall to improve soundproofing. It is about 20 cm square per wall length. After that, the soundproofing became so good that we, on purpose, worked with a perforator, and in the other room Lara was listening to see if she could hear me working with a perforator. No, she didn't. So it's a solvable issue, too. Apart from that, I forgot to mention an important plus - it is an investment opportunity in panel houses. I.e. this investment, in my opinion, is very profitable. Considering that the cost is reasonable. Well, not just in my opinion, but based on experience. Yes. We're actively renting these flats out long-term. It's profitable. It's a stable, conservative income. Panel houses never go down in value. They only go up. Maybe they're not going up that much, but it's a trend. They're going up. Rents are going up. It's a very good investment. I encourage you to think about it. Well, that's probably enough for the review. Yes. It's time to move on to the last one for today. That's co-operative houses, co-operative flats in co-operative houses. Let's go! Let's go! And the last item on our programme today, our video today, is houses with co-operative flats. Gennady! What can you tell us about the flats in these houses? I'll gladly share the information I have. We're on Franz Kafka Street. There are mostly houses with cooperative ownership. In Czech, Družstevní byty. What makes them interesting? Apart from the bright colouring, you could say that they are similar in some respects to panel houses. The façades are insulated, the yard, the roofs, and the plastic windows are in good condition. These are all pluses. It is all for the pros. What are the cons? The uninformed viewer cannot understand. And the biggest negative of these flats and these houses is ownership. Cooperative ownership in the Czech Republic has its own nuances. If you are a happy owner of such a flat you have certain legal consequences. For example if you want to sell the flat. You won't be able to do it easily. But, according to our laws, you must first offer your flat to the residents of your building. Because you don't have title to the flat. You only have title to a share, i.e. to a share. Which is unspecified. Purely technically, you live in a particular flat. It may be written in Stanovách that you are assigned to it. What is Stanovy? Stanovy is a landlord's charter. It is an internal document which is sometimes registered at the Land Registry Office. Nevertheless, it is a formal attachment of a flat. If the owners refuse to buy your flat voluntarily, you need their consent to sell it. They may not give this consent. I.e. they do not want to have other neighbours. This is a legal problem which is quite difficult to deal with. Also, if you want to rent out the apartment for a long or short term, you will face the same problem. And in this case, you have very little chance. There is no way you can get the owners of the house to agree to that. And in that way you will not have the right to rent out the flat. The most amazing thing is that in spite of all the wonders, the flats in the buildings are being sold without any discounts.  I.e. the regular price without any discount. For this level of housing.  And these houses on Franz Kafka are on the outskirts of our city. Of the pluses, I also forgot to say parking. There's plenty of parking, but that's not uncommon on the outskirts of the city. Well, that's probably enough about this type of housing. In principle, we probably end this video with an overview of housing types in Mariánské Lázně. This is where we say goodbye. Goodbye. Watch our videos. Subscribe to our channel. Give us some likes. We will know that we are not doing our work for nothing. See you later. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. 

Flat prices in the biggest Czech cities have increased again in the fourth quarter of 2021. In Prague, flat prices increased by 16% to 120,877 crowns per square metre.
The most significant increase is traditionally observed in Usti nad Labem, which is also the cheapest of the eight analysed localities. The price of residential property here rose by almost 61% year-on-year to 37,373 crowns per square metre.
On the other hand, the smallest increase was in Prague, where prices rose by 16%. In the capital, with an average price of 120,877 crowns per square metre, housing prices were by far the highest. This follows an analysis by FérMakléř, which compared flat prices in eight of the nine largest cities in the Czech Republic. No data were available for Liberec, the country's fifth largest city.
According to Lümir Kunz, the company's executive director, prices are pushing the supply very low. Expensive mortgages and energy costs are also reflected in the overall price of housing. After Ústí nad Labem, prices rose the most in annual terms in Ostrava (by 39.8%), Hradec Králové (by 37.6%) and České Budějovice (by 35.8%). On the contrary, after Prague they increased the least in Olomouc (by 27%).
After Prague, the most expensive flats were in Brno with an average price of 99,217 crowns per square metre. It is followed by Hradec Kralove (76,284 crowns) and Ceske Budejovice (68,394 crowns). After Usti nad Labem, the cheapest flats are in Ostrava with an average price of 46,354 crowns per square metre.
Deputies have abolished real estate acquisition tax


Deputies of the Czech Parliament adopted in three readings the law abolishing the real estate acquisition tax. It will remain possible to deduct interest paid on mortgage loans from the tax base. The law must now be approved by the Senate.
Nowadays, a 4% tax is paid when buying an apartment, a house, a land plot and other real estate, except for new buildings, and annually brings the state about 13 billion kroons. Until 2016, it had to be paid by the seller and now by the buyer. Tax should not be paid by those who receive the property as an inheritance or on the basis of a gift agreement.
The law will be retroactive as of December 1, 2019. As of this date, buyers who have registered real estate in the cadastre, will not have to pay tax. If someone has already paid it, the money will be refunded.