Medical treatment in Marienbad

This is where nature heals itself.
Treatment at Mariánské Lázně Spa.
By nature's leading therapeutic factors, spas are divided into balneo-mud, mud, balneoclimatic and finally balneological.
A balneological spa is a type of spa resort where natural mineral waters are used as the main curative factor. The waters can be used externally (baths, swimming pools, etc.), for drinking treatment, inhalations, etc. procedures.
The most famous BC in the CIS are the resorts of Caucasian Mineral Waters, Belokurikha, Truskavets, Darasun, Morshin; abroad - Bad Vildungen, Bad Kissingen, Bad Salzungen, Wiesenbad (Germany), Bad Ischl (Austria), Vittel, Vichy (France), Bath (Great Britain), Vrnjacka Banja, Lipik (the former Yugoslavia), Kyustendil (Bulgaria), Montecatini Terme (Italy), Heidusoboszlo (Hungary), Saratoga Springs, Hot Springs (USA), Karlovy Vary, Jáchymov, Konstantinovy Lázně, Lázně Kynžvart and finally - the best city in the world of Mariánské Lázně Spa.
Marienbad is a balneological spa in the west of Bohemia to the southwest of Karlovy Vary, 25 km from the German border. It is situated at the northern tip of the Bohemian Forest, on the southwestern slopes of Slavkovský les (Nightingale Forest), at an altitude of 628 m, in a wide valley protected by the Ore Mountains from north winds and open from the south. The slopes surrounding the mountains are mainly covered with coniferous forests; the spa area has extensive parks. The climate is temperate, with mountain features, with mild winters and mild summers.
The main natural healing factor is the waters of 40 mineral springs, coming to the surface on a relatively small territory; the waters are carbon dioxide (contain up to 2 g/l of carbon dioxide), have a temperature of 8-10 C, characterized by high iron content. Peculiarities of chemical composition of waters of different springs determine indications for their therapeutic application.
The waters of the most famous springs Křížový (Kršížový) and Ferdinandův (Ferdinand) are ferrous sulphate-hydrocarbonate sodium (mineralisation 8.5-11.9 g/l); they are used mainly for drinking treatment of stomach and biliary tract diseases.
The Rudolfów (Rudolf) spring water - Calcium-Magnesium Hydrocarbonate - is one of the most famous mineral waters in Europe with diuretic effect; it is used in the spa, as well as being bottled and widely exported as healing water.
Iron hydro carbonate-sulphate sodium water from the Lesnaya spring is used for drinking treatment and inhalations mainly for diseases of upper respiratory tract, kidneys, and urinary tract. For drinking cures of kidney and urinary tract diseases, the glandular water of the Ambrojouv spring is also used.
Mineral waters of Mariánské Lázně are also widely used for baths. In cases where the patient is contraindicated with carbon dioxide mineral baths, mofettes are used.
Mariánské Lázně traditionally uses mud cures (sulphate-iron peat), hydrotherapy (including massage), electro- and light therapy, terrenkur, therapeutic physical training, etc. The water is also used for therapeutic purposes.
There are resort colonnades over drinking springs, numerous sanatoriums, hotels, apartments, pensions.
In addition to kidney and urinary tract diseases (including those of children), which are the main indications for referral to the spa, there is also the treatment of patients with diseases of the digestive organs, peripheral nervous system, metabolic disorders (including obesity), as well as rehabilitation treatment of trauma.
Efficient treatment of upper respiratory tract diseases (including allergic diseases) is facilitated by the relatively low height of the spa, mild climate and the presence of forests and parks in Mariánské Lázně and its surroundings.
Natural healing resources, medical reasons
The range of indications for treatment with mineral water in Mariánské Lázně is much wider than in other spas. This is primarily due to the chemical composition of Mariánské Lázně mineral springs, which is unique.
The spa resort of Mariánské Lázně (Mariánské Lázně) specialises in the treatment with mineral water of kidney and urinary tract diseases, neuro-muscular disorders, organic diseases of the nervous system, digestive system disorders, metabolism and internal secretion glands, non-specific respiratory diseases, skin diseases and musculoskeletal system disorders.
 Holidays in Mariánské Lázně are cheap and respectable!
Mariánské Lázně owes its worldwide fame mainly to the wealth of natural healing springs. More than one hundred mineral springs are known in the surroundings of the town and there are about forty of them in the town itself. All springs belong to the class of cold acidic mineral waters, their temperature is between 7 and 10 degrees Celsius. Significant differences in the chemical composition of the springs allow only drinking courses to treat a number of diseases of various organs. The prescribed amount of water for a drinking course depends on the diagnosis and condition of the patient, usually about 1.5-2 litres per day. Mineral waters are also used for inhalations and mineral baths.
The Mariin pramen source is a powerful source of natural healing CO2 gas, which is used as a gas envelope. This procedure is becoming more and more popular as in addition to lowering blood pressure, improving heart function and blood supply to the lower limbs, patients feel a marked improvement in sexual functions. This healing gas is also used as a subcutaneous injection for diseases of the joints, spine and coronary heart disease.
Peatlands and mud (peloids) are inorganic and organic mixtures, which, after cleaning and heating, are used for compressors and mud wraps. Mud and peatlands always accompany the sources. After the oxidation and cleaning process, the muds are mixed with mineral water and heated over steam to 40 degrees Celsius. The mud wrap procedure usually lasts 20-30 minutes and is recommended for locomotive system diseases, gynecological disorders and respiratory tract diseases. The mud is also used for vaginal swabs in treatment of chronic gynaecological inflammations and sterility in women.
A place in the world where you can relax a great many. Many of them offer, as an option, therapeutic procedures. Massages, yoga, baths, saunas, spa. And they all look like twin brothers. True, one problem is that they don't add to their health, but they make their wallet much easier. It's a wellness "lottery." Such a course of "treatment" can be done without leaving your hometown.
Why do European long-livers (and the average age of German residents is 82), in comparison: we live a little over sixty, go to Baden-Baden, Aaachen, Vishy, Evian, Karlovy Vary, Mariánské Lázně and other mineral water resorts? Let us try to answer this question: Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, science does not know any medications that can dissolve kidney stones. You will be offered the only option - laser crushing with the prospect of going back to this procedure again. The only option for treating gallbladder stones is either laparoscopic removal or a hollow surgery to remove the stones along with the gallbladder. Treatment of the liver is expensive and not safe for other organs. What attracts people to mineral water resorts? The main and priceless, or rather, completely free of charge treatment is the treatment with mineral water. The procedure is very simple and pleasant. Three times before meals you drink 400 grams of mineral water at the spring and then walk for 30-40 minutes, enjoying the beauty of the spa, its fountains and parks. Walking is a must, the mineral water must work. That's actually the whole treatment.
Indications and contraindications
Indications for spa treatment
Diseases of the motor system
Vertebrogenous algic syndrome (back pain), degenerative disorders of the motor apparatus (spine and large joints), osteoporosis, conditions after orthopaedic operations (using artificial joints).
Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract
Chronic inflammation, rehabilitation after operations or crushing stones in the kidneys and bladder by pulse radiation, conditions after kidney and ureter operations, prostatitis (inflammation, postoperative conditions).
Diseases of the respiratory system
Chronic inflammation, bronchial asthma, allergic airway diseases, conditions after operations of the lower respiratory tract.
Metabolic diseases
Obesity, gout, constipation, diabetes, hyperlipoproteinemia.
Gynecological diseases, including infertility.
Inflammation of the external and internal female genitalia, conditions after gynecological operations, sterility and infertility, menopause syndrome, urinary incontinence and stress.
Oncological diseases
Rehabilitation of patients after the treatment of breast, genital and other oncological diseases except for malignant blood diseases.
Treatment of non-core diseases
Thanks to the use of natural resources today we are able to successfully treat non-core diseases: hypertension, coronary heart disease, coronary artery disease, potency disorders.
Contraindications for spa treatment gestation
acute and communicable diseases
malignant tumors in the course of treatment as well as progressing despite the treatment performed
frequent heavy bleeding of all kinds
Inability to service themselves in daily needs without assistance, as well as inability to move around on their own
alcohol addiction, use of other addictive and addictive substances
Information and advice for holidaymakers
Always consult your doctor for a more detailed list of recommended procedures.
Always consult your doctor for a drinking course and never drink more water than is prescribed.
If you cannot tolerate any of the procedures, be sure to inform your doctor.
Your treatment plan is controlled by a computer. Therefore, we ask you to strictly adhere to your scheduled appointment time for the procedures. If you are unable to arrive at the procedure on time, be sure to inform the spa staff in advance.
Any problems that may arise during treatment, we ask you to solve directly on site with the leading staff.
Mud wraps are quite a heavy load on the heart and blood vessels. Decide whether this procedure for you can only a doctor.
Also do not change your previously prescribed medication without the consent of your doctor.
Often on the third or fourth day of treatment you may experience a so-called "spa reaction", which will temporarily make you feel worse.
Patients with phosphate kidney stones should not drink Rudolf spring water.
The Mary Spring is not a mineral spring, but a source of natural healing gas, which is used for dry gas bags and subcutaneous injections.
Mineral baths in Mariánské Lázně contain not only natural carbon dioxide and mineral salts but also humic acids, which are an important part of the healing mud.
Never insist on the temperature of the mineral bath other than that prescribed by your doctor. In general, it is fair to say that the colder the mineral bath, the healthier it is and contains fewer bubbles.
Dear guests of our website! We hope that you will enjoy our offers for recreation and treatment in the Czech Republic, and you will contact any of our offices by phone or e-mail! The main activity of our company is to provide recreation and treatment services in Mariánské Lázně. We would also like to draw your attention to other spas in the Karlovy Vary Region.