Parking and parking regulations



Parking in Mariánské Lázně, as well as in the whole Czech Republic, is allowed only in designated parking areas or car parks in places where it is not prohibited by traffic signs or legal regulations. In the case of a parking or stopping violation, you should expect the vehicle to be blocked by mechanical means (in what is known as a "BOTU").
These cases are handled by the Town Police of Mariánské Lázně, 155 Russká Street, Mariánské Lázně, phone 354 625 452 or 354 922 166 (judge).
Town parking centre
Pramenská 653 / 1, phone 354 624 128
Kaufland car park with a capacity of 150 spaces
 tel. 602 417 202, +775 617 202
- Between Palackého Street, Main Avenue and Plzeňska Street.
Bus and truck parking is prohibited in the entire town.
Tourists can get on and off at the City Service bus stop (CK Cup Vital) or at the hotel where they are staying.
We are making today's video at the request of our channel viewers. It will be called "Parking rules in Mariánské Lázně". Larisa has refused to participate today, she believes that parking is not a woman's job, so I will do it alone today. 
Town of Mariánské Lázně, Town Ordinance No. 2 of 2019. "On paid parking of motor vehicles on local roads in the town of Mariánské Lázně". That is to say, a new ordinance was passed in 2019, even before the covid, and it is still in force today. On the parking regulations in our spa town of Mariánské Lázně. The purpose of this ordinance was, and it is written in the ordinance, for good parking arrangements for our guests, so that as many of our guests as possible can park comfortably in our town. Our town can be roughly divided into several zones. The first zone is a large spa zone, practically the whole spa centre in the south - up to Chebska and Mahova Streets, in the north - the end of Trebického Street, in the east - Karlovarska Street, in the west - Pramenska Street. In other words, the whole spa centre can be considered one large spa zone, where parking rules are as follows: You can park there every day, including weekends, from 7 pm to 9 am. For the rest of the time parking in this large resort area is only paid. You can pay at the parking machines. 
The southern boundary of the spa parking zone is on Chebska street and Mahova street. 
This is Trebického Street. The white banner on the right, which says Mariánské Lázně Unesco, marks the northern boundary of the spa zone. There is a car park right next to it, with a capacity of about 10 cars. This is a free car park where you can park freely without paying. From this car park it is 500 m to the forest spring and about 1 km to the main colonnade. 
In front of us is Pramenska Street, which is the western border of the spa parking area. On the left is the free part of the car park where these cars are parked, while on the right is a sign that says that the parking on the right is only for the employees of the local town hall and the gymnasium. You can't park there. There is also a city parking centre nearby on Pramenská Street. You can see the rates on the right; one hour of parking costs 20 kronor, a whole day costs 200 kronor. There's plenty of parking and it's a short walk to the spa centre, a very pleasant car park, I recommend it. And this is our slightly darker tip - free parking at the town cemetery, also not far from the spa centre. 
The second zone - south of Chebska and Machová Streets - which includes the neighbourhoods of Tresniewka, Ušovice, Wora and Panská Pole, is a free parking zone, in which mainly the residents live. It is a residential area, not a resort and there are no parking restrictions. In other words, you can park there for free and unimpeded. The same goes for the northern zone, i.e. north of Trebytskego Street, there is even a sign; parking is free there too. The same applies for the eastern part as well, everything that concerns the eastern part of Karlovy Vary Street, you can park there for free. 
The next zone is the centre of the spa area. It is very small, it contains the spa hotels Nové Lázně, Centrální Lázně, Hvězda, our Church of St. Mary, Goethe Square, so it is such a small zone with special parking rules. In this area, in addition to paying for parking you must buy a special parking ticket, a daily ticket, which entitles the bearer to enter this zone and stay in this area only if he pays for it. So you will have to pay for parking twice, 20 CZK for entering this zone and you will have to pay a daily parking ticket. It is a special zone with special rules. It is forbidden to stay without this entry ticket. Everything else is the same as in the resort area. From 7 p.m. to 9 a.m. you do not pay for parking time. But you must have an entry ticket. This entry permit is valid for one day, but not from the time you park, but from the day you bought the ticket. 
Entrance to the centre of the spa area from the Casino. Another entrance to the centre of the spa zone is at the entrance to Hotel Maxim, Negrová Street. Entrance to the centre of the spa zone from Karlovarska Street. Another paid car park is situated on Chopin Street and it is the northern entrance to the centre of the spa zone. The parking fees are as follows: 80 CZK for a day of parking, 20 CZK for 1 hour. This is a typical parking machine you'll see on the streets of our town. You can pay the 20 CZK fee for the right to enter the spa zone at No. 21 on Masarykova Street. There are menus in 3 languages, Czech, German and English and unfortunately, the sign is only in Czech, but I will explain you in a few words how to understand what is written there. You have to press the upper button to pay the 20 CZK entry fee. Do not drop any coins; at first you press the button. The word Povolení k vjezdu appears. Permission to enter. Only then, you throw in a 20 kroon coin or a set of coins for that amount and press the bottom button - Ticket. That is, print a ticket. From there you get a ticket, which you then put under the windscreen. To pay for parking time, which is a time-based parking ticket, is done in the following way, exactly the opposite, you first throw a coin. If you only need to park for half an hour, for example, it says that the minimum parking time is only 10 kroons. You have to throw in 10 kroons, or 5, 2 kroons each, or the sum is 10 kroons; when you press the button, you get a half-hour ticket for the right to park. If you plan to stand for an hour, parking costs disproportionately more, 40 kronor. Unfortunately, this machine does not allow you to get change. It means that usually you can use two buttons to choose the time of parking, for example, you throw 20 kronor, but you don't need to stand for 20 kronor, you stand for half an hour, you push the lower button and the board will show 10 kronor for half an hour of parking. Unfortunately, these buttons are not active here. There are, however, machines in the city with active buttons that you can adjust the parking time with. In order to adjust the parking time on this machine, you must have petty cash. In order to choose the exact parking time and pay for it. Apart from this not entirely convenient method of payment, there is also payment from a mobile phone. On google play, the apple store is called click park. You can download the application and pay for parking with your phone. I will tell you about it in more detail later. I have told you about short parking times. If you intend to park there for longer hours, you will be charged 40 kronor per every hour thereafter. But according to the city's rules that I referred to at the beginning, you can park in the same spot for a maximum of 24 hours. You will not be able to pay for parking for more than 24 hours. The next question is how to determine which zone this parking machine applies to. If you cannot see any other parking machines within your sight, then roughly speaking, for the whole Masarykova Street in front of you, where this single machine is located, you will pay in this machine for the whole Masarykova Street - this is a typical sign that indicates paid parking not only in Mariánské Lázně, but probably in the whole world.
This is the sign for the parking machine, the sign is high, you can see it well. 
The Coliba Hotel is behind me. And this parking lot belongs to the Coliba Hotel car park. What's interesting about it? It's the lowest parking rates in the resort area. This car park is very close to Hotel Hvězda, and so on, to the resort centre, about 200m away, and the prices are very different. You can park in this car park for a whole day for only 40 kronor. Whereas on the previous machine 40 kronor costs 1 hour of parking, here for 40 kronor you will be parking for the whole day. It is very convenient. If you need shorter parking times, it costs 1 hour 10 kronor, 2 hours 20 kronor, and 3 hours 30 kronor. So it is convenient to park here for both short periods and daily parking. Our guests usually stay in our apartment at Sněžka Residence and park here, as it is the most advantageous car park in the area. 
This is what this car park looks like, you can easily find it. 
A few meters from the southern edge of the resort parking area, on Božena Němcová Street, you will find this car park. It is a pay car park, the prices are lower than usual, half an hour is also 10 CZK, one hour 30 CZK, and each subsequent hour 30 CZK. This is parking lot No 1 and it is different from the others in that you can pay here not only with coins but also with banknotes. In this machine you can also buy a ticket to enter the centre of the spa zone. The apples that grow in this car park are free, as a bonus. 
Inside the large resort area that I told you about, there are 4 resident zones. They are called zone A, B, C, D. You will probably see these designations on the signs. Dear guests of our town! This does not concern you. It concerns only the residents of the town. If you see a sign that parking is only for residents of this zone, you are not allowed to park there. This is a typical parking sign for residents only. Only residents of our city who have purchased a zone C parking card may park there. Similar signs are posted in zones A, B and D. Where only residents who have purchased the appropriate parking cards may park as well. Visitors to our city, who of course do not have such parking cards, are not allowed to park there. 
At this point, I bid you farewell. Watch our videos, subscribe to our channel, give us likes and dislikes, praise and swear, and we will know that we are not working in vain. All the best!